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Yale launches new security awareness campaign

Yale is urging locksmiths to take note of its latest consumer campaign, ‘Who’s Got the Keys to your Home’, to drive demand for locksmith services.

Yale has recently launched a new campaign surrounding the common household issue of lost and misplaced keys, to raise awareness of the number of people that potentially have access to our homes.

With recent figures suggesting that UK homeowners have shared, and subsequently lost track of, nearly 20 million spare keys* given out to neighbours, family members and trade professionals, the campaign has been launched to make consumers aware of the risk of potential break ins with their misplaced keys.

Yale recognises that spring is the prime time for house movers, and therefore they should be made aware of the security risks that come alongside buying a new property. The Home Office have released figures showing that homeowners are more than twice as likely to be burgled in the first 12 months of being in a new home**. With consumers being aware of this potential risk to their properties, homeowners will be looking for security solutions to protect their homes, which in turn will increase sales opportunities for locksmiths.

The campaign is being supported by on-going promotional activity in both national and regional press, property blogs and also alongside a strong social media campaign. There are a number of resources available, including an infographic filled with security statistics and a consumer awareness video, which can be found on the Yale website.

Consumers will be made aware of the increase in number of burglaries occurring with stolen keys, and will be advised to consider installing a superior strength cylinder. Yale’s Platinum 3 Star Euro Profile cylinder is the perfect option as it’s TS007 3 Star accreditation means it will provide maximum security against all known cylinder attack methods, therefore securing homes from the threat of burglary.

Yale is also encouraging locksmiths to maximise security sales by offering consumers smart solutions. The new Yale Conexis L1 allows consumers to configure, control and unlock their smart door lock from their smartphone via Yale’s secure Bluetooth app. Without the need for a physical key, the threat of a thief entering a home using a spare key is eliminated, which will be a great incentive for house movers, and therefore the perfect opportunity for locksmiths to boost sales.

For more information on the campaign and how to get involved, please contact the Yale trade sales team on 0845 223 2126 or visit

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