UPVC Maintenance Supplies is running a series of short training courses to help customers identify and solve on-site door and window maintenance problems instantly, when on emergency repair call-outs.
The specialist window and door replacement hardware supplier, set up a schedule of bespoke window and door training courses, after Managing Director, David Earnshaw spoke to customers at their newly opened trade counter in York and discovered there was a requirement to help customers understand how to identify faults and problems which occur on older, fitted PVCu windows and doors.
David, who started his career as an installer and has over 30 years experience in the installation and maintenance field, identified that most customers process a strong understanding of their own specialist field of expertise, but in many cases had limited knowledge when it came to identifying and correcting a fault on a window or door.
David commented, “We service a varying mix of customers from builders to the general DIY, locksmiths to glaziers and although most of our customers process a basic knowledge, they agreed additional training to identify and solve a service fault on-site would greatly improve their repair times for them and their customers.”
UPVC Maintenance Supplies kicked off their schedule of training by running a series of introduction courses at their Head Office in Batley. The courses offered practical training, tips and advice on identifying and solving maintenance problems for all types of windows and door systems.
“In order for delegates to enjoy a more practical experience; we have erected a full sized window and door structure in the newly dedicated training area, enabling the delegates to cover the course subjects with a ‘hands-on’ approach, rather than just a class room environment”
“We received an overwhelming response from the session and customer feedback left us with more ideas to scope out further training in the future.” David concludes.
UPVC Maintenance Supplies will be holding additional training sessions in the forthcoming months at their head office in Batley, Leeds. The courses will be tailored to delegates’ requirements and will offer a practical guide to assisting a speedier on-site repair for all PVCu windows and doors types.
For more information or to book a training courses call 0113 236 0800, visit www.upvcmaintenance.co.uk.