SASHSTOP is proud to be celebrating its sixth year supplying products to locksmiths. Furthermore, we are delighted to have a patent granted for the “SASHSTOP Original”, our first product.
Since 2017, we have endeavoured to keep manufacturing new products to assist locksmiths in keeping our customers protected from burglaries.
At SASHSTOP, we believe that no locksmith should have to walk away from any job that they attend. Burglars will try any method possible to break into people’s homes and businesses. So, after engaging with locksmiths at exhibitions, we have designed a range of repair plates that will enable them to repair, temporarily or permanently, forced and burnt UPVC doors and windows.
We have designed and launched a range of cover plates, which can be fitted under door handles; known as TORCHGUARDs. These will cover damaged doors that have been attacked by burglars, using the new technique called ‘blow torching’.
Before our TORCHGUARD plates were available, a locksmith would simply secure the doors temporarily and inform customers that a new door was required. However, with the use of these cover plates, this cosmetic damage can now be masked, whilst still offering structural integrity. A new 3-Star cylinder and handles can be fitted, leaving the door appearing better and providing a higher degree of protection.


We have also designed cover repair plates for doors where a crowbar or screwdriver has been used to attack, as well as corner repair plates; where door welds have cracked under attack.
The repair cover plates come in all sizes to accommodate any lock backsets and some versions are reversable to fit narrow, old style profiles, and have been intended so they will not overlap the edges of the frames. We have also designed a discreet version too if you need to change the door handles and new handles don’t cover the screw holes properly leaving the door waterproof.
As working locksmiths, we appreciate some lock failures need to be drilled open and as you can imagine the drill holes are sometimes outside the handle profile. This is when the plates come into their own, saving you having to use any filler which can crack afterwards. Cover plates are available as a bundle offer, comprising of all the usual backset sizes. We have found them to be very popular with our locksmiths as we know you can never be sure what door profiles you may attend.
The door weld repair plates are used when the doors have been forced open in such a way that the corner welds simply crack, especially if the police have gained entry. The plates are lipped and are usually used as a pair. These can be screwed, riveted or bolted through to enable the door to still operate correctly. All our TORCHGUARD cover plates and corner door weld plates come in white as well as the standard colours to match UPVC or composite doors.
After continued engagement and feedback with the locksmith community, we learnt that they require threshold repair plates too as customers and landlords often don’t want to purchase a new door, and they tend to prefer for these doors to be repaired. The threshold plates are simply laid over the damaged door section and are screwed on. Alternatively, you can use 1mm glazing tape to secure them and are strong enough to be stepped on. They come in 900mm lengths for single doors and 1800mm for double doors, tilt and slide or French doors and have lipped edges for 12mm or 18mm door profiles, again, these are also available in the usual colours.


At SASHSTOP, we are aware that locksmiths are looking to repair UPVC windows and glazing, so much so that we are also developing tools that can assist with the everyday tasks that locksmiths face.
We are proud to have designed the new Sheerframe clout bead removal tool (de-glazing tool), which (when used correctly) can remove the beads quickly and safely. We have field-tested the tool ourselves and have also had our local council glaziers testing too, with fantastic results!
Whenever SASHSTOP exhibits, we take great pride in listening to our customers. We are always looking to develop new products and tools to improve security for our customers, businesses and the end-user too. Your continued feedback is extremely valuable in allowing us to move forward with new ideas.
So, from the whole SASHSTOP team thank you for all your support over the last five years buying our products and helping us to develop an amazing product range. As most of you know we are always here to help advise you on any problems you may encounter whilst locksmithing or carrying out UPVC repair jobs, so please do not hesitate to get in touch via email ( or by calling or WhatsApp on 01482 753283.