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“Getting into locked places rather than out of them”

Jonas King (who had an escapology obsession as a child) built a business based on fair and honest work in Huntingdon. Proud to offer a first-class customer service this award-winning locksmith covers East Anglia, Norwich to Ipswich, and everywhere in-between.

A big fan of The Locksmith Journal; we spotted it being read in their store on Instagram and quickly got in touch for an interview…

So, tell us about your business?

We started in July 2021 and are a small but fast-growing locksmith with a large footprint. Norfolk and Suffolk are our main stomping grounds, but we also have customers across Cambridgeshire too. In September 2023 we expanded by opening our first retail store in Harleston, Norfolk selling everything from locks to alarm systems, safes to key cutting. We are a truly family-oriented business with the shop being run by my partner and better half Henri and his mum Sue, while I look after the field-based locksmithing.

How did you get into locksmithing?

My interest in locksmithing came when I was working with my grandfather during the school summer holidays. He is a painter and decorator and we were working on a school with other contractors including a locksmith. I was fascinated by what he was doing and it sounded like an exciting career path. I was then sidetracked as you are when you are a child, and decided I wanted to become an escapologist! Which I have sort of become… instead getting into locked places rather than out of them.

What makes your business different?

We are a business driven by values and the core of that is a customer first approach. Everything that we do and the decisions we make are based on what is best for the customer at all times.

Last year we went through the process of becoming Trading Standards Approved, giving all of our customers peace of mind in the services we provide and the quality that they will receive. We are also not greedy; we have a reputation for high value and our pricing structure means that Saturday is a normal working day for us with no premium charges for Saturday work unlike our competitors. I think customers appreciate that, when there are so many locksmiths out there who charge as much as they think they can get away with. We believe in fair, honest pricing for fair and honest work.

I was talking to a customer recently who had only just heard of us after seeing an advert in a local magazine. They were devastated to find out that they had been overcharged by another locksmith, a whopping £600 to open a euro cylinder on their front door when they were locked out on a Friday lunchtime! The locksmith apparently didn’t even attempt to pick the lock, just went straight in with the drill first. When I went to the property to have a look at the new lock that had been fitted, the locksmith had replaced it with a basic lock that could be snapped out in seconds.

Got any special skills / USPs?

We have become well-known locally for our ability to problem solve, especially when it comes to repairing or replacing discontinued locking products. I really believe that the security industry moves as fast as the computer industry in developing new technology. What was popular ten years ago is often not even in production now! We have never come across a lock or locking system that we haven’t been able to find a new solution for; whether repairing or replacing it.

We recently had to sort out a customer who needed replacement access control for their gaming establishment. Previously they were told their current system was outdated and couldn’t be repaired, but we were able to sort it out and get them up and running.

Henri is also very good at fixing things due to his background in agricultural engineering; damaged safe lids seem to be a special skill of his at the moment that I don’t think he realised he had!

Marketing your business: tips for other locksmiths?

We use the usual channels as much as we can; Henri is great at getting us a big reach across social media. In a world where online channels are flooded, and the younger generations are abandoning social media, I think that there is a big and perhaps even growing demand for printed media.

We spend a large part of our marketing budget on print and it works really well for us. Leaflet drops have also generated a lot of business for us. I would also recommend making links with community leaders and community groups. Embedding yourself into your local community is an excellent way of spreading word of mouth and building your local reputation.

What is a typical day like in your business?

Well, the day always starts with a nice brew. We like to be one step ahead so the day has already been mapped out the day before, from customer appointments to stock deliveries so we can crack on. But to be honest, there is no such thing as a typical day; one of the reasons why we all enjoy it so much. No matter how well you plan and prepare, when the phone starts ringing and the emails start coming in the day can take any shape.

We offer a 24-hour emergency service and you never know what situations people are going to get themselves into or when. Sometimes I can get a full night’s sleep, and others I am helping a drunk groom get into the correct house at midnight, or a locked-out McDonald’s team trying to get in at 4am for breakfast service. But I love it!

What is the biggest challenge you’ve had to date?

I think that the biggest challenge was a recent safe removal. It took three of us to do it and we needed to use a small mechanical crane. One of the safes weighed about one tonne and the other about half a tonne. They were located to the rear of a closed down McColl’s shop that was due to have the floors redone the following day. So, no matter what, we had to get them out that very day, we couldn’t afford to fail. The safes were in a back-office area with narrow doorways and weak floors. I was so worried at one point that we were about to fall through to the basement! But with some ingenuity, and a bit of elbow grease, we were able to remove them safely.

Got any funny stories we can tell?

One of the things I love about this job is the odd and wonderful things you encounter. But one of the funniest things recently was when a lovely Labrador started bringing me gifts. I was at a lady’s house working on her rear patio doors, and she had popped out to the shops, when her Labrador started bringing me things. First of all, it was his favourite teddy, then his tennis balls, and he was placing them around me. After a period of time, he had piled up around me a selection of the lady’s underwear! I looked around and I was surrounded by knickers, thongs, bras, stockings the lot! When the customer returned home, she was mortified and I tried not to laugh.

Got any plans for this year?

We are continuing our growth strategy, expanding our product ranges, and where best to open the next shop. We have recently formed a new relationship with a leading safe manufacturer which we are very excited about.

Follow us on Instagram for our latest updates: @jonaskinglocksmiths

Locksmiths: 0330 0430429

Shop and office: 01379 423690